Publication: Hamstrings Hypertrophy is Specific to the Training Exercise: Nordic Hamstring versus Lengthened State Eccentric Training


Research Impact: In this study we measured functional (isometric and isovelocity strength), morphological (muscle and aponeurosis size using MRI) and muscle activation (surface electromyography) differences following 12 weeks of supervised resistance training (Nordic [NHT] or lengthened state eccentric [LSET]) or non-training control. Interestingly, it was found that LSET produced greater improvements in overall hamstring muscle volume, with constituent muscle specific hypertrophic responses i.e., LSET produced greater hypertrophy in knee flexors that also acted at the hip (e.g., biceps femoris long head [BFLH]), whereas NHT produce greater hypertrophy in knee flexors that only acted at the knee. LSET also produced greater improvements than NHT for measures bicep femoris long head (BFLH) aponeurosis size. As the BFLH is the most common site of hamstring strain injury (HSI), the BFLH specific training adaptations found in this study provide reason to further investigate the efficacy of LSET as a prophylactic for preventing HSI.

Maeo, S., Balshaw, T.G., Nin, D.Z., Mc Dermott, E.J., Osborne, T., Cooper, N.B., Massey, G.J., Kong, P.W., Pain, M.T. and Folland, J.P., 2024. Hamstrings Hypertrophy is Specific to the Training Exercise: Nordic Hamstring versus Lengthened State Eccentric Training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003490

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